Episode 50: Protecting Your Foraged and Wild Foods Revenue

Farm Commons show

Summary: While Whole Farm Revenue Protection and the new Micro Farm Policy option provide more flexible crop insurance coverage options for small scale diversified farms, there are still crops that remain outside of coverage bounds. This is the case for foraged and wild foods products-- those ramps, wild mushrooms, pawpaws, nuts, and medicinal herbs growing wild but made available on the market by foragers. Many farmers and ranchers forage for these plants as there is a viable market willing to pay top dollar for these special products. However, these wild foods, just like row crops, are at risk of failure due to climate, disease, and pest pressure. So what can producers do to manage the risk of lost revenue from wild foods products? We’ve got 3 best practices to share with you in this episode. Recommended resources:Episode 47: Crop Insurance for Diversified Farms and Ranches (https://farmcommons.org/resources/podcasts/episode-47-crop-insurance-options-for-diversified-farms-and-ranches/)RMA Crop Insurance Database (https://webapp.rma.usda.gov/apps/ActuarialInformationBrowser2022/CropCriteria.aspx) This material is funded in partnership by USDA, Risk Management Agency, under award number RMA22CPT0012392.