Leigh Metcalf, The Gauntlet of Cybersecurity Research

CERIAS Weekly Security Seminar - Purdue University show

Summary: Good research has scientific principles driving it. Analysts begin research with a goal in mind and at the same time, they need their research to have a solid foundation. This talk will cover common goals in cybersecurity research and also discuss common pitfalls that can undermine the results of the research. The talk will include many examples illustrating the principles. About the speaker: Leigh Metcalf has 30 years of experience in STEM where she is an expert in not just one, but two completely different fields, Mathematics and Cybersecurity. In Mathematics, she has a PhD specializing in Algebraic Topology. She also spent many years working at technology companies, including startups, at established businesses, and now, she uses all that she learned at those companies to work for a Federally Funded Research and Development Center located at Carnegie Mellon University as a researcher in Cybersecurity. She the primary author of a book (Cybersecurity and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier), the co-author on a second book in preparation on Science and Cybersecurity. Leigh is also the co-Editor-in-Chief of a new academic journal (ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice, https://dtrap.acm.org).