Mike White Cleared, Zach Wilson Era Over in New York?

JetNation Radio; NY Jets Podcast show

Summary: <a class="featured_image_link" href="https://www.jetnation.com/2022/12/30/mike-white-cleared-zach-wilson-era-over-in-new-york/" data-wpel-link="internal"></a><br> <br> On this week’s episode of JetNation Live, our NY Jets Podcast, hosts Dylan Tereman and Glenn Naughton discuss the Jets fourth consecutive loss, a primetime stinker against the Jaguars. They will give their thoughts on Zach Wilson’s 2nd benching of the season, and what to expect moving forward at the position. With the playoffs still very much on the table, how can the Jets win out and end the NFL’s longest playoff drought?<br> Special thanks go out to our long-time sponsor, <a href="http://milesocial.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener external noreferrer" data-wpel-link="external">MILE Social</a> a NJ Digital Marketing Agency. They help us with our online presence and social media.<br> Our NY Jets Podcast can now be found on Spotify and Amazon Music. Also, be sure to subscribe to us on iTunes or Google Play. Here is some more information on how you can find us online.<br> <br> * <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jetnation-radio-new-york-jets-talk/id635876988?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer external" data-wpel-link="external">NY Jets Podcast on iTunes</a><br> * <a href="https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&amp;isi=691797987&amp;ius=googleplaymusic&amp;apn=com.google.android.music&amp;link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Ivqsg2rcnv4lpejuzeie4sc5n3a?t%3DJetNation_Radio;_NY_Jets_Podcast%26pcampaignid%3DMKT-na-all-co-pr-mu-pod-16" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer external" data-wpel-link="external">NY Jets Podcast on Google Play</a><br> * <a href="https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/6dd6bc68-caf9-4415-8a5b-083c95998a6d/JetNation-Radio-NY-Jets-Podcast" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer external" data-wpel-link="external">JetNation Radio on Amazon Music</a><br> * <a href="https://www.jetnation.com/ny-jets-podcast/" data-wpel-link="internal">NY Jets Podcast Page</a><br> * <a href="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiN5FvKbVt16xyEiLWB-Taf6EhsfRq5HI" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow external" data-wpel-link="external">NY Jets Podcast on YouTube</a><br> <br> <br>