Count Out Caloric Restriction! | DRS 76

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show we answer some more listener e-mails based on CALORIC RESTRICTION and how RESTRICTING CALORIES is not good for you. You don't need to RESTRICT CALORIES in order to LOSE WEIGHT and feel great. One listener writes in and tells us how she has lost over 100 lbs over a year and a half ago. But she seems to have plateaued. For the last 5 months she CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT. Dr. Rob explains why this is and steps she can take in order to get her back on the "losing track". Another listener writes in referencing a previous episode where we talked about drinking OLIVE OIL to supplement your MARATHON TRAINING. Dr. Rob explains why this is a good idea and gives a recommendation on a product called 3FUEL to help you increase your MARATHON TRAINING. We also talk about how a HIGH FAT/ LOW CARB DIET will greatly improve your performance in both your TRAINING and COMPETITION. Don't forget to like us on Facebook and give us a review on iTunes, search for The Dr. Rob Show in the podcast section. Show Note Reference: TIM OLSEN     In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss CALORIC RESTRICTION Discuss DON'T COUNT CALORIES Discuss EATING AS MUCH AS YOU WANT Discuss HIGH FAT LOW CARB DIET What do you think? Have you remained successful for a long period of time after using a CALORIC RESTRICTION DIET? Take Action We want to hear your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook