Lights Out (NBC) Uninhabited Christmas Story 1918. 371222

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A tale about a Christmas from the last war. That means World War 1. A train comes to a halt at a railroad station in France. Both Austrailian and French soldiers go on leave for the holidays. They compare notes on the similarities of each other’s armies, and the common experiences they have faced. They are joined by a American troop who is black. The three diverse troops enjoy moments of solidarity and marvel at the far reaches they had come from to be in this place together. <br> In the post war days, the three carry souvenirs in their packs, and marvel at the stars. They turn in and dream as the train rushes through the night. Their deja vu at meeting before is explained as we peek into their dream of three other travellers who were bearing gifts, and following the star. A dramatization of the legend of the three wisemen ensues. Legend, because little is known about the wise men from scripture, and nearly all of the tale here is from tradition that surrounds their part in the Christmas story. <br> As the wise men find the Christ child, the three soldiers awaken and compare notes about the dream they all seemed to have had. <br>