SHElection!: Ohio's 13th Congressional District

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p>The highly competitive race for Ohio’s 13th Congressional district, a seat left vacant by congressman<span> </span><a href="">Tim Ryan</a><span> </span>who is running for Senate, is between<span> </span><a href="">Ohio State representative Emilia Sykes</a><span> </span>and Trump-backed attorney<span> </span><a href="">Madison Gesiotto Gilbert</a>. <span>We hear from<span> </span><a href="">Wendy Smooth</a>, Senior Vice Provost for<span> </span></span>Inclusive Excellence<span> </span><span>and a Professor of Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies at the Ohio State University and<span> </span><a href="">Anna Staver</a>, a political reporter for USA Today Network’s Ohio Bureau. Read the full article here.</span></p>