SHElection!: Texas's 15th Congressional District

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p><span>Republican <a href="">Monica De LaCruz is a small business owner and insurance agent.</a> She has a massive fundraising advantage. She’s brought in nearly $4 million compared to Democrat Michelle Vallejo's $1.5 million. Democrat Michelle Vallejo is a grassroots and business leader. The outcomes of House races can be affected by campaigns at the top of the ticket, and the Texas governor's race versus Beto O'Rourke and Greg Abbott is a b<a href="">ig one raging in Texas right now.</a> </span></p> <p><span>Race is also a big factor in this all-Latina, woman versus woman election. Texas’s 15th Congressional district is more than<span> </span><a href=""><span>80% Latino</span></a>, and<span> whatever happens in this Texas Congressional district will shape how many political observers understand the political power and preferences of Latino voters. </span></span></p> <p><span>We hear from<span> </span><a href="">Maria Teresa Kumar,</a><span> </span>CEO and Co-Founder of<span> </span><a href="">Voto Latino</a><span> </span>and<span> </span><a href="">Matthew Choi</a>, Washington Correspondent for the<span> </span><a href="">Texas Tribune</a> for more. </span></p>