Transformers The Movie (1986)

Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast show

Summary: <p>Hit toy line, check, successful comic series with rich backstory, check, wildly popular Saturday morning cartoon, check.<br> <br> With all of this under Hasbro's belt what's left for a franchise in the 1980's to do? Make a movie with gorgeous animation, a rockin' soundtrack/score, and a story that will captivate its existing fans and draw in more?<br> <br> Transformers the Movie (1986) did two of those three things.<br> <br> Welcome to Season 2 Episode 71 of Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast! Today, hosts Mark and Joe are joined by friend Chris Schmidt to talk about a movie that was made to try and increase the sales of an already wildly successful toy line -- it ended up scarring an entire generation of children instead.<br> <br> Be sure to download today's episode to learn how this film had parents across the US writing in hate mail to its writers for what it did to their children is somehow still considered to be a fan favorite to this day.  <br> <br> Music by Joystock: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazhFOTRoZC12ZzNCTVJ4Tkh0amJuZi1RbVExQXxBQ3Jtc0trS2pnWG0wZ0xnMnlDdXZMd3BtREhGSDBVeEo1SGdTYm5VeXJqQ2o1eGJiRl94RV8zNEFnR0tmd3Rua2xOMEh1dkx4Unh2dDR6Y0ZfeXkyY1hFaVM1QU81eXAtWG9seTBJbm9SUmZSUTQxUUY2Ul9WYw&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>Opening Track: "Modern Power-Up Electronic"<br> Closing Track: "Future is Now"  <br> <br> Follow us on:<br> Facebook: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJjSXdlTWI5UEpxUGJVMHQ5SE5PSjluTkJKQXxBQ3Jtc0ttMVFzaTZHMUhna3R5bU9HUWkxQlU5MGo5Z29mQWk1YkJpc25qeUFUYno2UTEtWl9EeGFnSXRyVU1DRjFCLUZfY00yUEVLNkN6ekdTcVM1d1AzNjlJaXlTX1cxVE15U0lxUno0bl9EMXRvUUw2b2RGdw&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br> Twitch: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9IV2dfbXg1MmtjR2tFZFQ4bnhnS3oyZm16UXxBQ3Jtc0trRk9sSmtSVUlvajlIQlBzUVY3bGpNYk5rVjFMYXpiWjFoMkxoa1I3d2pLRG5CN3FibjB0eEtncUZna0RWMVg5NmEtaWhwa0tjazlxNHZlMUNzVDF1NzNycmlrd2xmSmkxMF9GN05pSzNqdVNpeHU2RQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br> Twitter: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazYtNjRtdWpoZkgxOGgtT2RIZXlRRUpUX0hDd3xBQ3Jtc0tucnp2SHJEWG04MzlBR3JDdG11WnB2X0NEREluU2tCVm9LaFh4OHFjN2otTXNTLWFrUDk5WXNoZ0VfWFMxeXdiZjJwak1sNWxTU09mYnJtTW5uNno2YWY3SFlSc0RoZllhbmd2Wkp0aUV2ZHo2WUNvWQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p>