John Titor: Time Traveler? (Pop Culture Legends)

Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast show

Summary: <p>What do we want? Time Travel! When do we want it? That's irrelevant! <br> <br> Time travel isn't all DeLoreans, Police Boxes, and naked people that are actually robots and demanding your clothes; sometimes time travelers hangout with you on message boards. They'll give you a few bread crumbs that sound believable and then hit you with something heavy enough to keep you really interested...and when they are doing this all in the year 2000 it can be pretty hard to prove them wrong. <br> <br> Welcome to Pop Culture Legends! A Digital Dissection Miniseries; today we tell the tale of a man named John Titor who claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036. Why did he come back? Why did he share his technology with us? What did he want with a 1975 computer weighing 55 pounds?<br> <br> Download today's episode to find out!<br> <br> Music Credits:<br> "Pop Culture Legends"<br> Written and Performed by Chris Lott<br> <br> All other music provided by WeVideo.<br> <br> <strong>Follow us on:</strong><br> <strong>Facebook: </strong><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJjSXdlTWI5UEpxUGJVMHQ5SE5PSjluTkJKQXxBQ3Jtc0ttMVFzaTZHMUhna3R5bU9HUWkxQlU5MGo5Z29mQWk1YkJpc25qeUFUYno2UTEtWl9EeGFnSXRyVU1DRjFCLUZfY00yUEVLNkN6ekdTcVM1d1AzNjlJaXlTX1cxVE15U0lxUno0bl9EMXRvUUw2b2RGdw&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> <strong>Twitch: </strong><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9IV2dfbXg1MmtjR2tFZFQ4bnhnS3oyZm16UXxBQ3Jtc0trRk9sSmtSVUlvajlIQlBzUVY3bGpNYk5rVjFMYXpiWjFoMkxoa1I3d2pLRG5CN3FibjB0eEtncUZna0RWMVg5NmEtaWhwa0tjazlxNHZlMUNzVDF1NzNycmlrd2xmSmkxMF9GN05pSzNqdVNpeHU2RQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> <strong>Twitter: </strong><a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazYtNjRtdWpoZkgxOGgtT2RIZXlRRUpUX0hDd3xBQ3Jtc0tucnp2SHJEWG04MzlBR3JDdG11WnB2X0NEREluU2tCVm9LaFh4OHFjN2otTXNTLWFrUDk5WXNoZ0VfWFMxeXdiZjJwak1sNWxTU09mYnJtTW5uNno2YWY3SFlSc0RoZllhbmd2Wkp0aUV2ZHo2WUNvWQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw"></a><br> <strong>Youtube: </strong><a href=""></a></p>