Rick Heyland - "Live Your Purpose- a step by step guide to live your best Life"

I Am Refocused Radio show

Summary: Rick is a successful consulting executive who loves living and managing his life by purpose and goals.  He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. He received his MBA from the Ivey Business School in London, Ontario, Canada. Rick and his wife Cheryl have six children and 15 grandchildren. <br><br>Living by his Purpose statement, Rick has achieved success in all areas of his life. Rick has run 14 marathons including qualifying and running in the 2003 Boston Marathon. Together with his family, he recently climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. As the second largest shareholder of his management consulting company, (RLG International) he helped grow the company 100x over a 10 year period. He loves striving for peak performance in order to accomplish his financial, spiritual, relationship and physical goals.<br><br><a href="https://ci4life.org" rel="noopener">https://ci4life.org</a>