Anne Ortelee's June 13 2021 Weekly Weather

Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology  show

Summary: Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Based on the astrology configurations above our heads, Anne discusses the energy we can expect to experience on Planet Earth during the upcoming week. She offers a brief astrology lesson! You can always book a private consultation with Anne to discuss your personal questions and your chart. The new moon total eclipse on Thursday June 10 is building to a full moon next week.  June 2002, June 1983 and June 1964 to mind while working with this energy.  Mercury is retrograde and was captured in the eclipse energy.  Venus is out of bounds making emotions strong and passionate.   Venus in Cancer answer to the moon and changes emotions every time the moon changes.  Lots of things being revealed.  Mars is in Leo July 29. Saturn and Uranus have their second of three squares on June 14. The world is awash in emotional changes of our lives, structures, realities and directions.  Be gentle with yourself and others as the heavens are feeling lost and a bit sensitive.  Forward into change!  You can tiptoe if you want to....