God With Us: Early Letters, Week 29

Oak Pointe Church • Novi show

Summary: <p>God With Us: Early Letters, Week 29<br> Philippians 3-4</p> <p>As we noted in our first lesson on Philippians, there was a problem with unity in the church. But the “problem beneath the problem” was one of focus. Paul’s primary purpose in this letter was to help them regain their focus on things above, so that their unity might be restored and their witness to their world might be effective.<br> From his Roman prison cell, Paul taught the Philippians by his words and by his example how to ‘live above’ the turmoil of this world. He taught them to desire to know Jesus more intimately, and let God work in their lives for their good, and for His good pleasure. We would be wise to take these admonitions as our own!</p> <p>This message is part of our God With Us series where Pastor Bob walks us through the entire Bible.</p>