#100: The Episode YOU Made [Podcast]

Ray Edwards Show show

Summary: This is episode 100… 100 weeks in a row, we've cranked out a new show. While Episode 104 will mark the 2-year anniversary of the show, I felt we had to do something special for #100… so that's what we're doing. And on today's episode I'm going to do  our usual segments, but the feature presentation segment will be exclusively your questions. Also coming up… How to know what your market wants. How to not waste your life. One of the most powerful copy secrets I know. Now let's get on with it… Announcements: Thanks to all who have left a review of the Ray Edwards Show in iTunes. For more info about the one-day mastermind with me and 11 other people, where we make radical progress in your business… is on. You can get the full story here. Conferences where I will be attending and/or speaking: Social Media Marketing World, March 26-28, 2014, San Diego, CA The Launch Conference, April 7-10, 2014, Orlando, FL JV Alert: The Perfect Game April 24-27, Denver, CO SCORRE Conference May 5-8, Orlando, FL Tip Of The Week  Survey your customers! Copywriting Corner The power of “reason why”. Spiritual Foundations Don't waste your life. “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” The good news is that includes being an entrepreneur! Feature Segment: Nothin' But “Q&A With Ray” With questions from: Michael Hyatt Cliff Ravenscraft Dr. Kenny Handelman Kirk Bowman Dan Miller Alejandro Reyes Frank Viola Annett Bone Martin Howey Jeff Sanders Ian Bone Jason Nicholas Joel Comm Ken McArthur Tracy Childers Ryan Eidson Mike McMahon Marshall Bone Phil Drysdale Tor Constantino Stu McLaren What To Do Now If you enjoy the podcast, I would consider it a great favor if you subscribe (and leave a review) in iTunes. This helps new people discover the show. You can also find the podcast on Stitcher. Question:  What are your big questions about how to monetize your message? Click here to leave your comments.