#129: Write Faster, Write Better [Podcast]

Ray Edwards Show show

Summary: For the longest time, when asked how quickly I can turnaround a writing project, my answer has been: “I can write better than anybody who can write faster, and I can write faster than anybody who can write better.” I recently discovered the person who originally penned that phrase: American journalist A.J. Liebling, who wrote primarily for The New Yorker. The reason I think this  quote rings true for many writers is actually a secret of the trade. Writing faster makes you a better writer. Tip of the Week: You know by now I'm a big fan of Scrivener. today I'd like to introduce you to the best training I've found on how to use Scrivener effectively: Learn Scrivener Fast. Spiritual Foundations: Is God judging us? Is his judgment the source of the scary things we hear in the news? God is love. (1 John 4:8) There is no fear in love. (1 John 4:18) How we can “test the spirits”. (1 John 4) Don't be deceived by ministries of fear. Feature Presentation: Write Faster, Write Better Here are 5 reasons why writing faster can make you a better writer. You'll write more. Your skill level will improve. Writing fast turns off the self-editor and inner critic. The 10,000 hour rule works in your favor. Imperfect practice is better than perfect intentions. What level of output are you truly capable of as a writer? Next Week: Ten Ways To Un-Busy Yourself! Get The Transcript Click here to get the transcript. Transcripts provided by SuccessTranscripts – a great solution if you need your podcast, sermon, speech, or other audio transcribed. Question: How fast do you write? Click here to leave your comments.