#131: Interview With Podcast Answer Man Cliff Ravenscraft [Podcast]

Ray Edwards Show show

Summary: This week I have my good friend Cliff Ravenscraft on the show – yes, the Podcast Answer Man himself will join us and we'll discuss the future of podcasting and what it means for those building a platform. I know you were expecting Five Destructive Habits That Will Wreck Your Life, but this is a good programming change. Trust me. We have a BIG announcement, and I'll get you those Five Destructive Habits That Will Wreck Your Life in a couple of weeks! Feature Presentation: Cliff Ravenscraft, The Podcast Answer Man An interview with the leader of Podcasting. Click here to find the details about the live workshop Cliff and I are conducting in November. Next Week: If You Don't Have Your Health… Get The Transcript Click here to get the transcript. Transcripts provided by SuccessTranscripts – a great solution if you need your podcast, sermon, speech, or other audio transcribed. Question: What are you doing to build your platform? Click here to leave your comments.