Animal Party Episode 138 Ghost Cats

Animal Party -  Dog & Cat News, Animal Facts, Topics & Guests - Pets & Animals- Pet Life Radio Original ( show

Summary: People all over the world have sent in their stories of encounters with ghost cats. Their cats died and later came back to visit! There are even hotels like the one in Eureka Springs and another in Texas and other public places you can go to see ghost cats seen or heard or experienced in some way by many guests. Dusty Rainbolt explains she’s received stories about ghost horses, ghost dogs and even a ghost rabbit and invites listeners to send in their stories. Her book ghost cats will be available oct 1 in time for Halloween gifting. Deborah describes one dog ghost encounter she had when Rudi the recently passed lassie type Collie came back to warn her of danger that was real. Get the book to find out where you can go to experience a ghost cat yourself.