Botched Roll - Episode 003 - What Makes YOU A Good Player?

This Week In Geek show

Summary: Botched Roll is a show dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and the ideas and stories that go with it. Birdman has over 20 years of RPG experience to draw from and hopefully you as a listener gain something insightful or fun from it. In this episode of the show, Mike sits down and talks about what makes YOU a good player to your gamemaster. Insights and ideas for you to bring to your table. Weather you’re a new player or an old player in need of a refresher course, there is something for everyone. Please be sure to connect with Birdman on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: Your Geekmasters: Mike "The Birdman" Dodd - @BirdmanDodd Feedback for the show?: Email: Voicemail: 817-717-7202 Subscribe to TWIG: Subscribe to us using iTunes or Any Other Podcatcher August 3, 2018