Ask Allie: Do What You Love = Money!

Ask Allie show

Summary: July 14, 2008 This podcast is sponsored by Zuri: Today's topics include: a partner who's abusive, accepting changes and getting out of a troublesome phase. What you love is as unique to you as your fingerprints. You need to know that because nothing will make you really happy but doing what you love. - Barbara Sher S.ex Advice, Psychic Advice And Gypsy Magic: * Introduction from Allie * Q & A from SJ 7/81 * Overview of Allie's Two Cents * Q & A from J 3/82 * Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow! * Q & A from KB 12/87 * Overview of Out Of Body Ecstasy * Closing remarks Have you OBE'D today? If so, share it with others: