The Curb Your Enthusiasm Exoneration (Pop Culture Legends)

Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast show

Summary: <p>The number of wrongful convictions uncovered each year can be frightening to look at. In the modern age, DNA evidence has been the savior to many that have found themselves wrongfully imprisoned, and even on death row. In today's story, it wouldn't be DNA that came to a man's rescue after being wrongfully convicted of a crime he didn't commit -- it would be HBO. <br> <br> Welcome to Pop Culture Legends, a mini-series by Digital Dissection: A Nerd Podcast. This episode is about a man named Juan Catalan, who was charged of murdering a young woman with his only alibi being that he was at a baseball game with his daughter. Be sure to listen to today's episode to learn how a popular HBO show would actually come to his rescue.<br> <br> Music Credits:<br> "Pop Culture Legends"<br> Written and Performed by Chris Lott<br> "Good vs Evil"<br> Written and Performed by Chris Lott<br> "The Gulf Main Theme"<br> Written and Performed by Chris Lott<br> "SW-Not Wanted"<br> Written and Performed by Chris Lott<br> <br> Follow us on:<br> Facebook: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFJjSXdlTWI5UEpxUGJVMHQ5SE5PSjluTkJKQXxBQ3Jtc0ttMVFzaTZHMUhna3R5bU9HUWkxQlU5MGo5Z29mQWk1YkJpc25qeUFUYno2UTEtWl9EeGFnSXRyVU1DRjFCLUZfY00yUEVLNkN6ekdTcVM1d1AzNjlJaXlTX1cxVE15U0lxUno0bl9EMXRvUUw2b2RGdw&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br> Twitch: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9IV2dfbXg1MmtjR2tFZFQ4bnhnS3oyZm16UXxBQ3Jtc0trRk9sSmtSVUlvajlIQlBzUVY3bGpNYk5rVjFMYXpiWjFoMkxoa1I3d2pLRG5CN3FibjB0eEtncUZna0RWMVg5NmEtaWhwa0tjazlxNHZlMUNzVDF1NzNycmlrd2xmSmkxMF9GN05pSzNqdVNpeHU2RQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a><br> Twitter: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazYtNjRtdWpoZkgxOGgtT2RIZXlRRUpUX0hDd3xBQ3Jtc0tucnp2SHJEWG04MzlBR3JDdG11WnB2X0NEREluU2tCVm9LaFh4OHFjN2otTXNTLWFrUDk5WXNoZ0VfWFMxeXdiZjJwak1sNWxTU09mYnJtTW5uNno2YWY3SFlSc0RoZllhbmd2Wkp0aUV2ZHo2WUNvWQ&amp;;v=rPgpexoJ9Vw" rel="ugc noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>  </p>