S03E08 - Charles Waters: Exploring Life

Storytelling with Puck show

Summary: <h1>Exploring Life</h1> <p>Charles Waters is an explorer. He’s travelled through many countries across many continents but that isn’t the only way he explores. For him, every new day is a chance to discover something new. From boarding school to university, to working in a wine shop, to travelling, to landscaping and to writing powerful copy, Charles is always discovering something new.</p> <p>In his most recent exploration, Charles found himself guesting on Episode 8, Series 3 of the Storytelling with Puck Podcast. What a guest he was! Explore just how wonderful his stories are by listening today.</p> <p>Charles’ appetite for exploration is just one of the aspects that make him a wonderful writer and you can find out more about him by clicking on the links below.</p> <p>Charles’ LinkedIn - <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlessbwaters/">https://www.linkedin.com/in/charlessbwaters/</a></p> <p>Charles’ website - <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/safety/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.charleswaterswritingservices.co.uk%2F&amp;trk=flagship-messaging-web&amp;messageThreadUrn=urn%3Ali%3AmessagingThread%3A2-M2JhNDEwYTUtNTc5ZS00OWRjLTlhYzItNGJjNDg5Y2E1MDJiXzAxMg%3D%3D&amp;lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Amessaging_thread%3Bf8da7bcf-a65b-4415-9691-2649d92c56b1" target="_blank">https://www.charleswaterswritingservices.co.uk/</a></p> <p>Charles on Writer.me - <a href="https://writer.me/charles-waters/">https://writer.me/charles-waters/</a></p> <p>Charles’ Twitter - <a href="https://twitter.com/TheBorders62">https://twitter.com/TheBorders62</a></p> <p>Charles’ Facebook - <a href="https://www.facebook.com/charles.waters.92351">https://www.facebook.com/charles.waters.92351</a></p>