Boston Blackie – Nobody At The Door. ep226, 490511

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The phone rings in Boston Blackies office, but nobody is there. Then theire’s a knock at the door, but nobody’s there. Only an envelope, but it’s empty too. What’s going on? A mystery for Bosston Blackie, of course. <br> Elsewhere a gangster and his gal gloat over the fast one they just pulled to set up Blackie, as well as fill in some of the plot. They return to their boss, Charlie, to report what they just did with the envelope at Blackie’s. The scam involves bargaining with a Senator, and the listener is made privvy to the blackmail and extortion scheme. Too bad the small time thug underestimated the gang boss known as the Senator. <br> Everybody thinks that Blackie has an envelope full of incriminating papers on the Senator, even Farraday thinks so. Nobody knows the truth but Johnny, the small time thug, and the Senator. It looks like the only losers here will be the gangsters as they set about knocking each other off. So, what is there for Blackie and Farraday to do? They need to take down the Senator, of course. <br> As Blackie and Farraday are piecing together the phone call, and empty envelope incident, they learn of the gangster body count, the facts come clicking through Blackie’s mind in high speed. Now it’s a matter of putting the squeeze on the senator, and springing a trap. Mary gets to act as bait and pose as Ginger, the gunned down mobster’s gal. It’ll be dangerous, and risky, but Blackie assures Mary that he’ll be close bby to be her safety net. Can Mary pull this off? She’s awfully nervous. <br> Farraday eventually comes around to close in on the bad guy, but will he be too late in closing in on the Senator, just when Mary is risking her life? Don’t worry. True to his form, Blackie has the situation under control.<br>