Jack Benny – Mary And Van Johnson Are Late. 490320

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don goes into flashback mode to Jack’s house where the gang are getting ready for Easter, and waiting for guest, Van Johnson to appear. Rochester goes to make a phone call to se what is holding up Van Johnson. <br> What is the delay? Cut to another scene where Mary picks up Van in her car. She’s taking the scenic route so all the ladies can see her out with him. <br> Back at jacks, Don plugs a magazine article about himself. Not to be outdone, Jack puts in a plug for an upcoming appearance. Van arrives and meets the cast. Phil and Van compare notes on picking up girls. Dennis drops a few jokes about his parents. <br> Jack and Van talk about what salary to pay Van. Van holds his ground, and the jokes turn to comparing Van’s style of lady killing to Jacks ability at it. Jack offers his best tips on girls, and dating. Then just to prove how it’s done, Jack sets Van up with a blind date with the phone operators. Imagine the operators surprise to have a date with Van. Imagine Van’s surprise at the kind of dates that Jack got for him. <br> They go into Cerro’s and Jack shows Van a good time. Van even sings, It’s Magic. And with a little accompaniment from his date. The dancing and dating jokes keep up, and Van’s song is reprised as the sponsor commercial. <br> Finally it’s time to order some dinner. When a phone call comes in for Van do you think he would want to leave all this fun to take it? It’s also a chance for the two guys to pull a last prank on their dates. <br>