Lum and Abner – Doc Changes His Name to Ben Withers. 470319

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Speculation on who the voice might be leads Lum and Abner back to wonder about Doc Withers. Is he becoming senile? Just how old is Ben Withers, and could Lum and Abner be far behind him in age? <br> In the feed room, the gents find Doc packing his valice. Is he actually leaving town? Has the doctor’s feelings been hurt? What has happened to change doc?<br> Ben Withers shares a secret, he’s not really a vetinarian. Does he deserve the title of doc that he has gone by all this time? Feeling inadequate, Doc wants to move along, but Lum extends a place in the store and restaurant to work. Will he stay, or will he leave? <br>