Lum and Abner – Doc Withers’ Testimony. 470217

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: After his stunt during his testimony, Abner is given a talking to from their lawyer about his mistake. Have Lum and Abner pushed the judge’s frustration point to the limits yet? <br> Doc Benjamin Franklin Withers takes the stand for questioning. Will his account of the events in the Meadowlark Restaurant on the day in question shed any light for the judge? <br> In his typical absent minded way, doc somehow escalates the simple matter of who owns the pearl, into a murder case. <br> PS: Though off scene, cedric is claimed to be harrassing the judge by singing a song, Open the Door Richard. It was a popular song of the times, and in some Jack Benny episodes from this era, you can sometimes hear his neighbor Ronald Coleman singing parts of it during comedy routines. <br>