Fiorella Nash – The Abolition of Woman on Inside the Pages with Kris McGregor Podcast

Discerning Hearts - Catholic Podcasts show

Summary: <br> “The Abolition of Woman:  How Radical Feminism is Betraying Women” is a powerful book and so needed today.  Author and international pro-life advocate Fiorella Nash is an incredible advocate for authentic feminism.  With this work, she shines a bright penetrating light on the destructive twistings and distortions projected onto women throughout the world by extraordinarily dark forces that many cannot or do not want to see.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>You can find the book <a href="">here</a><br> From the book description:<br> This book unashamedly calls mainstream feminists, journalists and Western politicians to account for their silence and – in some cases – vocal justification of the persecution of women because of an absolutist loyalty to abortion. It asks uncomfortable questions to those who claim to believe in women’s empowerment: Where is their passionate outrage when Chinese women are forcibly aborted and sterilised? Where is their concern for the thousands of baby girls killed by abortion every year because their lives are held as worthless simply for being female? What about the thousands of women used as surrogates for wealthy Western couples, treated as chattels and denied their most basic human rights?<br> But the book also tackles difficult issues for the pro-life side—the need for a sensitive, realistic approach to problematic pregnancies and the importance of confronting the continued exploitation and abuse of women within a sexualised society.<br> Pro-life feminism is not only possible; it is vital if the complex struggles facing women are to be adequately met. The Abolition of Woman is a rallying cry to feminists to stand with the pro-life movement, fighting to build a society in which women are equal and every human life is protected.<br>  <br> <br>