Jack Benny – The Gang Visits The Central Park Zoo. 360308

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Don wants a change from the usual opening, and wants to be announced by Jack, and switch parts. To add to the change, Mary and Kenny change parts. Kenny delivers Mary’s springtime poem. It all falls apart when Johnny doesn’t want to play along. He plays, We Saw the Thief. <br> Before the 1960’s, Income Tax day was March 15th. Jack and the cast do some roll playing about paying taxes. Jack and Mary run the tax office while Johnny, and other characters pay their taxes. Kenny sings, Lets Play Some Music and Dance. <br> The show is still being broadcast from New York, and Kenny is lonely. Jack agrees to take him to the zoo. Right after Johnny Green plays, Let Yourself Go. <br> The zoo provides the chance for animal jokes. Oh my. If you listen between the skips, there’s a joke about Kenny getting the bird, the kind without feathers. I’m pretty certain the voice actor who is the zoo keeper is Joe Kern, but he almost sounds like Bert Gordon, the Mad Russian. Don offers another Jello recipe in the closing credits. Yum. <br>