Lum and Abner – Possession Is 9-10ths of the Law. 470212

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Court has been in session, and Abner shares with Lum that he doesn’t think things are going their way. It seems everything they do only serves to get the judge more upset. <br> As theyh wait for the next session, their lawyer, Mr Wallford comes out to assure them he has a handle on the case, and is still optimistic. An easy case. <br> In the courtroom, Lum is called to be a witness for the other side. How will he stand up against the questioning? Get ready for a heated debate as legal arguments pour forth. Will Lum be tricked into admitting he has the pearl, and show it to the judge? <br> PS: Abner confuses the word gavel, for gravel. This was a topic of contention in a Vic and Sade episode where Sade couldn’t pronunce that word. Try as he might, Rush couldn’t convince her to say it right, and Vic just plain gave up trying. This must be a common mispronunciation. I remember hearing plenty of people say it in certain rural areas, although not so much anymore. I guess folks are better educated these days when it comes to such things. <br> Check it out to see what I mean at <a href="">Vic and Sade – A Gross Of Gravels. 420716.</a><br> There’s lots of guest voices today. If I’m not mistaken one is the voice ofDoc from Gunsmoke. <br>