Richard Diamond – Charles Walsh, and Bob Wells. ep12, 490709

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Sometimes Richard is hired to deal with the trouble of others, and then there’s times when trouble doesn’t have any problems in finding him. Two big time gangsters have just broken out of jail, and are heading to town to find the man who put them behind bars. The cops try to warn him, but Richard finds the escapees the hard way. <br> The chase is on, but will Richard be able to find shelter with the cops? Richard can’t hold still for long when his girlfriend Hellen is kidnapped. It has become more personal as Richard chases the bad guys. Who will have the upper hand when the two forces collide? Are the thugs stupid enough to harm Hellen? Are they too ruthless to care about anything but revenge? <br> Rather than going in full bore, with all guns blazing, Richard and his police friends take a delicate stance, to ensure that Hellen is safe. How will this stand off end? What sneaky trick will Richard come up with to force the thugs to show themselves? Will there be gunplay? <br> There’s sure to be an epilogue including some crooning and romantic comedy as the lovers are reunited, and the bad guys face justice. <br>