Will Curfews and Regulations Curb Gun Violence?

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p>In response to a <a href="https://abcnews.go.com/US/buffalo-houston-us-cities-rocked-major-weekend-shootings/story?id=84748942">number of mass shootings</a> and incidents of gun violence across the country this past weekend, including the Buffalo massacre, some cities instituted curfews. Policymakers are also having their perennial <a href="https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/17/nyregion/gun-laws-buffalo-albany.html">conversation</a> on gun control. </p> <p>The Takeaway speaks with Dr. Jonathan Metzl about the history and future of curfews and gun regulations in the U.S. </p>