St. Athanasius of Alexandria – The Doctors of the Church: The Charism of Wisdom w/ Dr. Matthew Bunson Podcast

Discerning Hearts - Catholic Podcasts show

Summary: <br> Dr. Matthew Bunson discusses the life, times and work of  St. Athanasius of Alexandria<br> <br> Born: 296 AD, Alexandria, Egypt<br> <br> <br> Died: May 2, 373 AD, Alexandria, Egypt<br> For more on St. Athanasius of Alexandria and his teachings<br> <a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">Athanasius</a> <br>   – <a href="">Against the Heathen</a><br> – <a href="">On the Incarnation of the Word</a><br> – <a href="">Deposition of Arius</a><br> – <a href="">Statement of Faith</a><br> – <a href="">On Luke 10:22 (Matthew 11:27)</a><br> – <a href="">Circular Letter</a><br> – <a href="">Apologia Contra Arianos</a><br> – <a href="">De Decretis</a><br> – <a href="">De Sententia Dionysii</a><br> – <a href="">Vita S. Antoni (Life of St. Anthony)</a><br> – <a href="">Ad Episcopus Aegypti et Libyae</a><br> – <a href="">Apologia ad Constantium</a><br> – <a href="">Apologia de Fuga</a><br> – <a href="">Historia Arianorum</a><br> – <a href="">Four Discourses Against the Arians</a><br> – <a href="">De Synodis</a><br> – <a href="">Tomus ad Antiochenos</a><br> – <a href="">Ad Afros Epistola Synodica</a><br> – <a href="">Historia Acephala</a><br> – <a href="">Letters</a><br> <br> From <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">,</a> an excerpt from the teachings of<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Pope Benedict XVI  General Audience 2007:</a><br> <br> <br> Athanasius was undoubtedly one of the most important and revered early Church Fathers. But this great Saint was above all the impassioned theologian of the Incarnation of the Logos, the Word of God who – as the Prologue of the fourth Gospel says – “became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1: 14).<br> For this very reason Athanasius was also the most important and tenacious adversary of the Arian heresy, which at that time threatened faith in Christ, reduced to a creature “halfway” between God and man, according to a recurring tendency in history which we also see manifested today in various forms.<br> <br> In all likelihood Athanasius was born in Alexandria, Egypt, in about the year 300 A.D. He received a good education before becoming a deacon and secretary to the Bishop of Alexandria, the great Egyptian metropolis. As a close collaborator of his Bishop, the young cleric took part with him in the Council of Nicaea, the first Ecumenical Council, convoked by the Emperor Constantine in May 325 A.D. to ensure Church unity. The Nicene Fathers were thus able to address various issues and primarily the serious problem that had arisen a few years earlier from the preaching of the Alexandrian priest, Arius.<br> With his theory, Arius threatened authentic faith in Christ,