Survey Shows Young Adults Feel Lack of Trust in Government

The Takeaway show

Summary: <p>The Next 100, a progressive think tank working to support the next generation of policy leaders, partnered with The GenForward Survey to find out how Millennials and GenZers feel about the US government, and their level of trust in local and state officials.</p> <p><a href="">The survey</a>, conducted last November and December, shows that young adults, especially low-income individuals and people of color, feel a general lack of trust in the government, and they say they feel underrepresented, and disconnected from policy making decisions. </p> <p>One of the findings shows that: “Black respondents and respondents with a household income below $60,000 were the least likely to feel like full and equal citizens in our country.”</p> <p>For more we speak with <a href="">Francisco Miguel Araiza</a>, Deputy Executive Director of <a href="">Next 100</a>.</p>