Kristy Woodson Harvey, author of The Wedding Veil

The Best of Women's Fiction show

Summary: <p>Kristy Woodson Harvey shares the inspiration for The Wedding Veil, her latest novel about four women and how a family heirloom connects them.</p> <p>We chat about how Kristy serendipitously found inspiration from her own wedding veil as well as a fateful visit to the Biltmore mansion. She also shares her best writing advice, what it was like researching during the pandemic, and a few of her current favorite reads.</p> <p>Sign up for our email list so you never miss an episode! (PLUS we do a book giveaway every month for newsletter subscribers - you can choose from any of our featured authors if you win!) <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjB4Q01HZWtZd1dnWFd2NmxSNmlSVVAwVGN6UXxBQ3Jtc0tsR29GQmFkdWlfSmVVRUY2REhrcTlyWE5QWDFOYWJOeWRsY3RVQzNJSW1ENm12dXhFMDF5ZmxoN1RoVTZDMVZpUHBrUkVFX2ljRDBENDlVcUlfZm1WcURSeDkwb1NDZEdEMWJyWkVYeUZmaWFiZzFmcw&amp;"></a></p> <ul> <li>Subscribe &amp; listen on Spotify: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUdqVThmcE1HZGpnNFFsQVY2SXV0Mlc5aW90Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuR3VZT1BkYzF3TXkwZTdXN2hLOUZWU2RacHk2bE0tVnZzcmx1TFZXN21FYUlfM3RyT2RUOUJhMnBJMDZhMV95Q0o5OThxMlYtSVc3czJ5anh3XzZIaE1CMHo2Yy1QNlFydEt0bEw1TUNOX0w4OFFUZw&amp;"></a> </li> <li>Subscribe &amp; listen on Apple: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmExVDdkZEVUY2NSWVlVaHJ3ZVVhcmxReTVNQXxBQ3Jtc0trQnVCOGszcEhvWnNFRHQtN1RzenNGV3B5dXhNVWNveGM4eEszMUxaZHpJQnl1VjE0aHVSbU5ZT2p4Z2lQMGxZR2dRZlBCQ0NlYlB5Vnk5VklGdk9kd1hRQjh0Zmt0ZnlYU3BfZUlhdHQwMGhKT2F1MA&amp;"></a> </li> </ul> <p>My author website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> <p>My blog: <a href=""></a></p> <p>The Best of Women's Fiction podcast started from the desire to connect authors with more readers, and vice versa!</p>