Fibber McGee and Molly – Kramer’s Cash Register. ep582, 490405

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In opening, Harlow plugs a featured article in the Saturday Evening Post about the show. Ah, the days of the old fashioned pharmicist, nowadays the drugstore is the all purpose store as is plain to see when we join Fibber at Kraemers drugstore. Doc Gamble pops into the store to swap insults with Fibber. Doc’s handwriting is made fun of. When it touches a nerve, Doc changes the subject. A woman enters, and mistakes Fibber and Molly as the pharmicists. She wants to make an Easter purchase. In the process, Fibber notices the cash register drawer is stuck, so volunteers to fix it for his friend. <br> The drawer is stuck, but Fibber is determined to do his worst, even though Kraemer says he’ll handle it later. Ole the janitor enters the store. They talk about Fibber’s determination to fix things, even Ole’s parking ticket he had in the past. Ole wants some hair coloring for his wife. <br> Fibber continues doing surgery on the cash register, but takes a break to visit the soda counter. Harlowe is there to pitch the sponsor to whoever will listen. Milt the soda jerk is on hand to dish out Fibbers snack. The jerk has to check withKraemer on the unusual order. Then Mayor Latrivia stops in to tell about his broken down car. Some of his termonology get Fibber and Molly confused about horses. As Fibber tries to spout off wisdom, and Molly tries to clarify things, the Mayor gets frustrated over the words they put into his mouth. Even Milt pitches in a little with the misunderstandings that push the Mayor over the top of his blood pressure limits. <br> The Kingsmen sing, Lavender Blue. Back at the cash register, Fibber is back to finish his repair. Old Timer enters the store, and thinks Fibber has finally got a job. Also he jokes about his bed at home. Molly has had about enough, but Fibber wants to demonstrate his handiwork first. The cash register works well enough, but Fibber needs to make a hasty retreat when the drawer shoots across the store. <br>