Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 - Karm Yog, Selfless Action

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast show

Summary: <p>On receiving this sane advice from Krishna, Arjuna now asked him to show the path that can lead him to the highest good.</p> <p>“Knowledge and Action are the 2 paths to enlightenment,” declared Krishna and went on to highlight the significance of action in life.</p> <p>“Action is an eternal requirement, necessitated by material nature. And those who control the mind and engage in detached action are the noble Karm Yogis. So, perform your duty as an oblation to the Supreme, without attachment to results; this can help attain the Supreme. Otherwise, work itself can cause bondage.   </p> <p>Performance of duties ordained by Vedas produce sacrifices; these cause rains, which contribute to food. The all-pervading Gods are satisfied by sacrifices, where they are always present and grant you life’s necessities. Hence consuming food that is first offered in sacrifice can relieve one of all sins.    </p> <p>Oh, Parth! I have no duty to perform or anything to gain; still, I am always engaged in my duties. But, if I cease to act, I will destroy peace in the entire human race. Those performing their duties with detachment inspire others to action and lead people on the right path.</p> <p>While people perform activities by the 3 modes of material nature, ignorance identifies the soul with the body and regards itself as the doer. But the wise know that the soul is distinct from the Gunas like the senses and mind, and the Karmas; stay detached from the results of actions and thus escape from delusion.            </p> <p>So, perform your duties as offerings to Me, meditate on Me, the Supreme, and free yourself of desire and selfishness. Thus relieved of grief, oh Arjuna, fight! For it is better to die in discharge of one’s duty! Abiding by my teachings with faith can relieve one of Karmic bondage!</p> <p>The lust born of passion that transforms later into anger, forces a person to commit sins, even unwillingly. Insatiable desire, bred by the senses, mind and intellect, burns like fire, clouds knowledge and deludes the soul. So, control the senses, and slay the sinful desire; otherwise, it can kill knowledge and realization.   </p> <p>The soul, the higher self, is supreme and is beyond the lower self like the body, senses, mind, and intellect. Overcome the lower self through the superior soul, and annihilate lust, the deadly enemy.”     </p> <p>If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Follow AstroVed on <a href="">IG</a>, <a href="">Twitter</a>, and <a href="">FB</a> @AstroVed</p>