Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 - Divine Knowledge

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast show

Summary: <p>Krishna told Arjuna that he taught the eternal science of Yoga to Sun God, and from him, it came down to Manu and Ikshvaku; but over time got lost to mankind. And being Krishna’s friend and devotee, he was revealing the same to Arjuna then.</p> <p>But Krishna was born much after Sun God, and when Arjuna expressed his surprise over this, Krishna replied that both of them had many births, and while Arjuna forgot about these, Krishna remembered all of them. And Krishna continued-</p> <p>“Whenever righteousness declines and unrighteousness increases, I manifest on earth age after age, to protect the virtuous, destroy the wicked, and establish Dharma again.  </p> <p>Those who understand my divine nature, become absorbed in me and are free of attachment, fear, and anger - are not born again but reach my eternal abode. Although I create people’s occupations, the eternal me remains a non-doer. Those who seek liberation knew this truth and performed their duties accordingly, and Arjuna, you, too, follow them.  </p> <p>The wise act without the desire for material pleasures. With no expectations or a sense of ownership and with mind and intellect under control, they don’t desire the fruits of actions and always remain satisfied. Thus though engaged in activities, they do nothing at all. With divine knowledge and no attachments, they do everything as the sacrifice to the Supreme, therefore incur no sin, and are freed of all Karmic reactions.</p> <p>People offer a variety of things as a sacrifice, and these include Yogic practices, the study of scriptures, cultivation of knowledge, and regulation of breath and life energy. All these sacrifices culminate in knowledge and help cleanse impurities. People can learn this truth by endearing themselves to the enlightened saints.  </p> <p>And divine knowledge can reveal that all living things form part of the Supreme and are within Me. This knowledge can help even sinners to cross the ocean of material existence.</p> <p>Divine knowledge is the great purifier. Prolonged Yoga practice grants mental purity; this can bestow divine knowledge in due course. Those with firm faith, and control of mind and senses, can get this divine knowledge and eternal peace.</p> <p>So, Parth! Use the sword of knowledge to cut off the doubts in your heart, be firm on Karm Yog, stand up for righteousness, and fight!</p> <p>If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Follow AstroVed on <a href="">IG</a>, <a href="">Twitter</a>, and <a href="">FB</a> @AstroVed</p>