Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5 - The Yog of Renunciation

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast show

Summary: <p>Then referring to ‘Karm Sanyas, the renunciation of actions’ and ‘Karm Yog, action with devotion,’ Arjuna asked Krishna which was better. Though these are not different, and both lead to the supreme goal, Karm Yog is superior, declared Krishna.</p> <p>Then Krishna elaborated-</p> <p>“Neither desiring nor hating anything, the Karm Yogis are always in renunciation and can easily reach the Supreme. They are of pure intellect, have control over their minds and senses, and see unity in every soul. They perform all actions with complete detachment, don’t think of themselves as ‘doers,’ instead dedicate actions and their results to God, and thus remain unaffected by sin and attain eternal peace. Hence, neither being the doers nor the cause of anything, these detached beings live happily.   </p> <p>Divine knowledge bestows equality of vision that makes no differentiation within human beings and between humans and animals. Once it destroys ignorance that causes delusion, the Supreme reveals itself. Those absorbed fully in God and realize Him as the ultimate, neither rejoice with the pleasant nor grieve with the unpleasant, are relieved of their sins and rise to the level of ‘no-return.’ Unattached to the external sense pleasures, they also overcome the birth-death cycle in their life itself, and enjoy divine bliss. The sense objects give only misery, not pleasures, and only those who manage to check their desire and anger before death taste happiness.</p> <p>Those relieved of sins, free of doubts, have disciplined minds, and are devoted to the welfare of all, are the liberated Yogis who attain God. Also, the self-realized who overcome anger and lust through constant practice, and subdue their mind, achieve freedom from material existence. Thus, the Yogis illuminated by the inner light, who experience the bliss of God within, get liberated and unite with the Supreme.  </p> <p>The sage frees himself of the thoughts of external enjoyment, fixes his gaze in the space between the eyebrows, equalizes the flow of inhaling and exhaling breath, thus controls senses, mind and intellect, and becomes free of desire and fear, is always in freedom.     </p> <p>And realizing Me as the Supreme Lord and the selfless friend of all the worlds and their beings, My devotees gain peace.”       </p> <p>If you would like to find out more about your chart or have a question about astrology you would love the answer to, please do connect with us at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Follow AstroVed on <a href="">IG</a>, <a href="">Twitter</a>, and <a href="">FB</a> @AstroVed</p>