Corey Hilton and Alyx Stande - LOA Today Comedy Club

LOA Today - Living Our Abundance with the Law of Attraction - Your Daily Dose Of Happy show

Summary: The last time we had Corey on the show was about six weeks ago, and it was such a good visit that we invited him back for a repeat performance. What we did NOT expect was how much we would laugh! Corey started telling stories from his life on the road as a male exotic dancer, and Alyx just ratcheted it up every step of the way. The result was uproarious laughter. To anyone who might have been offended by the humor, I can only apologize and plead temporary insanity. And to anyone who found the show to be a side-splitter, I can only apologize and plead temporary insanity. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. I do know this. After this episode, I needed to take a shower. Corey's website: Dan will be back two weeks from today. Subscribe to the LOA Today podcast: