#6- What is happening with Boosted Ontario Citizens?

Unpopular Politics with Tommy Caldwell show

Summary: <p>When you're expected to take a vaccine in order to retain your freedom of mobility, you have every right to ask questions about the public facing data. Public conversation is what holds public health and other government organizations to account. It's not only your right, it is your societal duty to force these conversations to the top of the news cycle.<br> <br> I am not making claims on the data. I am not qualified to do so. But please, Ontario Public Health Officials: explain to me why boosted populations are by far more likely to contract COVID-19 over the past 30 days. <br> <br> To support my political efforts and engage in conversations like these, <a href="https://forms.gle/FDmRcVikLzV7MWDL8" target="_blank">follow this link https://forms.gle/FDmRcVikLzV7MWDL8</a></p>