Summer 2009 Football Notes and News featuring the Latest News about Brett Favre

Football One on One show

Summary: Hey Football One on One fans, We are back again for the NFL season. It is just the beginning of summer and we had alot of news during the off-season of 2009. Of course, the NFL Combines were very entertaining. Then, we had the NFL Draft to enjoy with all the new talent coming out of college!! In addition to the new talent coming to the NFL, we have had all the transactions of players moving from team to team!! Of course, there is the annual BRETT FAVRE DRAMA!! Now that Brett is gone from the Jets and just had surgery on his arm, the world is waiting for his return to the NFL -- that is with the Minnesota Vikings. Can you believe it? We are going through this Drama again with Brett!! Talk about an ego!! Well, not to be out done, Football One on One wants to share out opinion about the latest controversy and minute-by-minute watch of the BRETT FAVRE DRAMA!! We have two shows. One is our regular podcast and the other is our Webcam. Check both out. Of course with the webcam show, you will see the Beetle commenting in the studios about this issue. So here are the links to the shows: Podcast Show -- Summer 2009 NFL News & NotesWebcam Show -- The Brett Favre Drama After listening or watching the show, let us know what you think. Our major question is: WILL BRETT FAVRE BE SUCCESSFUL WITH THE MINNESOTA VIKINGS? YES OR NO Let us know at: or ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL DURING THE SUMMER -- YES I AM!!