How to Connect WPForms and SendinBlue in WordPress- Grow your Email list

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Summary: Disclosure- Hello there! Before you get started just wanted to be transparent and let you know that Blogging Unplugged is a blog that makes most of its income from affiliate commissions meaning some of the links on this page are affiliate links and if you purchase a product using our link we will make a small commission. Also, the product purchased will not cost you anything extra and in some cases you might get a decent discount using our links. Thank You for listening and Have a good day.How to easily connect WPForms and SendinBlueIf you have been blogging for a while then you must have come across the term “Email Marketing” more than a few times.And in case you have just started out or are looking to start and have no clue what email marketing is then let me tell you briefly about it.The phrase email marketing is a combination of two wordsEmail- Meaning an electronic message that is sent from one device to another over a network.Marketing- which means actions that an individual or a company takes in order to educate its target audience or user base to promote the buying and selling of products and services.This means email marketing is a channel using which you can educate and promote various products and services with your audience.Now, we have used the term promotion and selling a few times here but it is important to keep in mind this channel is not just for making money.And you can use it to build a one on one connection with your clients / audience which will help you grow quickly.Lets understand this with the help of an example of an ecommerce site that sells clothing. Recently, you have come across this site while searching for a pair of jeans.This is running a few campaigns and you just subscribed to one of them as you liked what they are offering.In the coming weeks they send you a few emails out of which some of them areSurveysInformation on upcoming trendsGlimpse of new inventoryDealsAnd more.As a result of these engaging emails, you have bought a few more items and now this site has become your go to destination to buy clothing online.On the contrary, if these emails would have been just about promotions or deals then I think you might have opened a few. However, most of them would have ended in the darkest corner of your inbox.Keeping this is mind, you have to always create balanced campaigns where you are educating and promoting or solving problems and recommending at the same time.Having said that,As we know, SEO and Pinterest or social media are powerful channels of marketing and helps getting your brand name out there. And that is why often email marketing is over looked... You are listening to the topic about "How to Connect WPForms and SendinBlue in WordPress- Grow your Email list", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.