How to Add an Email Newsletter Signup to WordPress

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Summary: A good foundation for any marketing plan is an email newsletter. That’s because email is still an effective tool. You don’t necessarily have to be selling a product. You can use a newsletter to promote your website, blog, podcast or whatever else you’ve got up your sleeve.In this tutorial, I’ll talk about why you might want to start an email newsletter, and I’ll show you a very capable WordPress plugin that can get you started for free.Who Needs a Newsletter?The purpose of a newsletter is to inform. Whether that means informing potential customers about a new product or letting followers know that you have something new for them, the core purpose is the same.So the answer to “who needs a newsletter?” is anyone who needs to communicate with an audience. An email newsletter is also an effective way to stay in touch with your customers, readers or listeners. This is to remind them you are there and to bring them back to your website.Social media is an important avenue for engagement. If your goal is to promote yourself or your product, you need a social media presence. But most social media is fleeting and easily missed or ignored.An email newsletter in someone’s inbox, on the other hand, has to be acted upon. It may be read or it may be deleted, but it can’t be ignored. If that sounds like an ideal situation for your message, you need to start a newsletter.Starting an Email Newsletter Is Easy, Growing a Mailing List Is…Less EasyIf you’re convinced that you need to start a newsletter, congratulations, you’ve taken the first step. But who is going to be on the receiving end of your newsletter? That’s the second step: growing a mailing list. And it involves collecting email addresses or gaining subscribers.Which involves convincing people to voluntarily give you their email addresses.There are a lot of shortcuts to building an email list, but they rarely leave you with a list of any value. Whatever you do, never buy an email list. That’s spamming, and it will work against you.So how do you build a quality email list?Use your websiteIf someone is on your site, you can assume they have an interest in what you’re saying or selling. Create a form that lets them give you their name and email address (more on that later) and make sure they see it.A link to your form should be on every page of your site. You can also draw attention to the fact that you have a newsletter with a popup or other attention-getting device.The goal is to make it easy for people to subscribe. But first, they have to know there’s something to subscribe to.Give something awayAnother way to gain addresses quickly is with a giveaway. A word of warning though: for a giveaw... You are listening to the topic about "How to Add an Email Newsletter Signup to WordPress", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.