How to improve your website structure with WordPress Permalinks

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Summary: Today we will dive into the topic of WordPress permalinks structure – how and why you need to optimize it for SEO.What are permalinks?They are the full URLs which are used on your site and define the structure as per your website’s needs – for example domain name, blog category, post name.Permalinks are different than WP slugs, although slugs are in some cases part of your website’s permalink structure.Permalinks are crucial part of your SEO as they are useful to search engines in order to index your pages and posts.Permalinks provide search engines and readers with information about your pages and posts. Also, they are unique, as one URL can only correspond to one page or post from your website.WP permalink structuresWith WordPress it can be very easy to optimize your websites for permalinks. Open your WP dashboard and click on Settings – Permalinks. You’ll be able to see five permalink formats, as well as the option for a custom structure which you can create on your own.It’s best to select a perma ink format while your website is still new. This way you ensuring quality SEO for your website.Plain// you install WordPress in the beginning, the default permlink structure is Plain. It displays a query string with the post ID or page post. Although this is the chosen default format, it’s not very SEO friendly.Date and name// with an extension Date and Name are often used on blogs which have strict requirements in terms of the publishing time. This structure includes day, month, and year in which the content was published. It’s often used on news websites which publish a lot of articles every day.Month and name// is another widely used structure, which is very similar to the Day and Name one. You can display the post name and date in the URL but the generated URLs are much shorter than the Day and Name ones.Numeric// numeric displays the archive along with the post ID. This format can be a bit confusing for users but is quite search engine friendly.Post Name// is probably the most popular structure tag which is used by a lot of WP blogs. It gives a clear and short URL which you can easily remember. A lot of blogs use this type of structure because of this very reason. Aside from that, it does not specify the date of publishing which makes it great for evergreen content which will remain relevant for a long time.Custom structure// allow you to customize your permalinks structure in any way that you wish. You can use... You are listening to the topic about "How to improve your website structure with WordPress Permalinks", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.