WordPress Phishing Attack – How to Remove Phishing From Site

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Summary: Updated on June 11, 2020Although technical security measures are constantly improving, WordPress phishing remains one of the most economical and simple ways that hackers have at their disposal to access sensitive information.Just click on a link (as easy as that) to be able to share private information and victim of identity theft.A recent report indicates that WordPress site administrators are becoming the target of a global phishing campaigns that target user credentials. It is orchestrated by an unknown criminal collective, its main objective seems to be the acquisition of sensitive information by forcing the targets by revealing them voluntarily.To know how to protect yourself, you have to understand what is a phishing attack, what are the types and how you can recognize it and how to remove phishing pages from wordpress site. Keep reading, we help you avoid security problems arising from this attack.Web Phishing Statistics 2020What is a phishing attack?Phishing is an online scam with which hackers pretend to be legitimate entities to deceive victims and get them to share sensitive information or install malware.The “phishing” is a term derived from “fishing” since in both cases someone throws a bait and waits for the person or fish to “bite.” Frequently, hackers do it through malicious emails that seem to come from trusted senders and that include a link that apparently takes you to the company’s website. When you fill in the data, that sensitive information may be subject to theft.This data can be valuable private information, such as login credentials (email and password), bank details (credit card information or credentials to access your bank) or even personal data (date of birth, address or number of social security). Phishing is considered a type of social engineering attack because it is based on human failures, not hardware or software errors.Phishing is a social engineering technique used by criminals to obtain confidential information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy and legitimate communication.The Phishing scenario is generally associated with the ability to duplicate a web page to make the visitors believe that it is on the original website, rather than the fake one. The deception is usually carried out through email and often these emails contain links to a fake website that looks almost identical to a legitimate site. Once on the fake site, unsuspecting users are tricked into entering their confidential data, which provides criminals with ample scope for scams and scams with the information obtained.Example of recent phishing attackRecently the... You are listening to the topic about "WordPress Phishing Attack – How to Remove Phishing From Site", if you want to read the full article, please visit https://geniuswp.com or the link in the description.