How to Create & Edit the Default WordPress .htaccess File

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Summary: IntroductionWordPress uses the default .htaccess file to store configuration information and handle server requests.For example, .htaccess can enable or disable many server features, including redirection of URLs, server signature, caching of files, password protection, and customized error pages.This tutorial will show you how to find, edit, and create the default .htaccess file in WordPress.What Is the .htaccess File.htaccess is a standard configuration file used in web servers. If you are familiar with Apache, you may have experience in editing .htaccess to grant or revoke access to website resources.WordPress is a bit different. In WordPress, the default .htaccess file is mainly used to handle permalinks to pages on your WordPress website. However, as a configuration file, you can also add additional configuration options to adjust the behavior of your website, such as:URL redirects and rewritingBlock hotlinking of imagesHandling server errorsPassword protectionBlacklisting and whitelisting of IPsBlock users by referring URLWhere Is the .htaccess File Located in WordPressThe .htaccess file is stored in the root directory of a WordPress installation. The period (dot) at the beginning of the filename indicates the file is hidden.If you are using cPanel, click the Settings button in the upper-right corner, then select Show hidden files, then click Save. You should be able to open the public_html folder of your WordPress installation and find .htaccess listed.How to Create a Default WordPress .htaccess FileIn some instances, WordPress may not create the default .htaccess file, or it may accidentally be deleted. Navigate to the public_html folder to view the list of files. Make sure you have configured your system to show hidden files, as noted above.1. Create a new file using the + File button in the upper-left corner. Name the file “.htaccess.”2. Open the file for editing by selecting Edit.3. Enter the following text:# BEGIN WordPressRewriteEngine OnRewriteBase /RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-fRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule . /index.php [L]# END WordPress4. Save the file and exit.How to Edit the WordPress .htaccess FileEditing .htaccess in cPanelTo make a copy of the file in the cPanel file manager, click .htaccess to highlight it. Then use the Download button in the top menu to save a copy to your local machine.Once you’ve made a copy, you can edit .htaccess. In cPanel, right-click the file, then click Edit. You may now make adjustments to the file.Editing .htaccess File with FTP ClientYou may also use an FTP client to log in and download a copy of .htaccess directly to yo... You are listening to the topic about "How to Create & Edit the Default WordPress .htaccess File", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.