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Summary: Following sections cover all necessary aspects when creating a wordpress plugins from scratch.for details you can visit wordpress official site for Plugins ResourcesNames, Files, and LocationsPlugin NamePlugin name should be unique .you have to search on wordpress plugins page or google to check if your plugin name is unique. Suppose you have to create a plugin related with slider so include name "slider" in your plugin.Plugin FilesNow have to create a PHP file name with your plugin name, Suppose you are creating plugin related with horoscope display ,plugin file name could be abc-horoscope.php.Alternatively you can split all files in different sub folder in main plugin folder. This help well organise all the plugins files for wide functionalty plugin.. See: for more details.In the rest of this Tutorial , "the Plugin PHP file" refers to the main Plugin PHP file, whether in wp-content/plugins/ or a sub-directory.Readme FileCreate a readme.txt file in a standard format if you want to host,, and include it with your Plugin. See for a description of the format.Note that the WordPress plugin repository takes the "Requires" and "Tested up to" versions from the readme.txt in the stable tag.Home PageThis is like the home page of your plugin . This page should contains- how to install the Plugin- what it does, what versions of WordPress it is compatible with-- what has changed from version to version of your Plugin- and how to use the Plugin. etcFile HeadersNow it's time to put some information into your main Plugin PHP file.Standard Plugin InformationThe top of your Plugin's main PHP file must contain a standard Plugin information header. This header lets WordPress recognize that your Plugin exists, add it to the Plugin management screen so it can be activated, load it, and run its functions; without the header, your Plugin will never be activated and will never run. Here is the header format: /*Plugin Name: Name Of The PluginPlugin URI: http://URI_Of_Page_Describing_Plugin_and_UpdatesDescription: A brief description of the Plugin.Version: The Plugin's Version Number, e.g.: 1.0Author: Name Of The Plugin AuthorAuthor URI: http://URI_Of_The_Plugin_AuthorLicense: A "Slug" license name e.g. GPL2*/The minimum information WordPress needs to recognize your Plugin is the Plugin Name line. The rest of the information (if present) will be used to create the table of Plugins on the Plugin management screen. The order of the lines is not important.So that the upgrade mechanism can correctly r... You are listening to the topic about "BEST PHP, DRUPAL, WORDPRESS, JQUERY TRAINING IN DELHI", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.