How To Enable or Disable Debug in WordPress?

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Summary: No one starts off programming with a love for debugging. It is a source of endless frustration and dread. A lot of you wonder how many hours you would have to spend debugging. You’d much rather spend time building something cool.That said, a good developer will never consider debugging as unimportant. It is an invaluable source of learning and growth. But debugging in the absence of a supporting environment is a developer’s nightmare. Thankfully, WordPress does provide efficient mechanisms to make debugging easy.This article is about enabling WordPress debug tools. It’ll help you fix issues faster. What is WordPress Debugging? How To Enable or Disable Debugging in WordPress? Additional WordPress Debugging Options But before we get into the thick of things, for the uninitiated, here’s a short paragraph on what debugging means in the context of WordPress sites.What is WordPress Debugging?Debugging is the process of searching and removing errors from a piece of code.While writing code, the developer makes mistakes just like you’d make spelling and grammatical mistakes when typing out an email. In the coding world, going back and correcting those faults is called debugging.WordPress offers an easy way to debug faults and errors made by plugin and theme developers. But the debugging is disabled by default. You can enable it to fix malfunctions, incompatibility issues, etc. Let us show you how.WordPress offers an easy way to debug faults and errors made by plugin and theme developers. Click To TweetHow To Enable or Disable Debugging in WordPress?Before you begin…For debugging in WordPress, you’ll need to edit WordPress files. That’s risky. One fatal error could cause your website to break. It’s best to take a complete website backup so that you can restore your site back to normal when something goes wrong.To enable or disable WordPress debugging, you’ll make edits in the wp-config.php file. Be careful with the file because it is one of the most important files on your website. It’s used to improve security, enhance performance, configure database functionalities, among other things. Making the slightest of mistake could make your website inaccessible (recommended read – Securing wp-config File).Enable or Disable Debugging Mode ManuallyTo enable debugging mode in WordPress, follow these steps:1. Log into your hosting account and launch File Manager.2. In the public_html folder, find and open wp-config.php.3. In the wp-config file, you’ll find the following line of code –define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);The WordPress debug mode is now disabled. To enable it, you’ll have to replace ‘false’ with ‘true.’ It looks like this –define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);Save... You are listening to the topic about "How To Enable or Disable Debug in WordPress?", if you want to read the full article, please visit or the link in the description.