Leaving Mormonism: Finding Spirituality & Yourself After Intense Religion w/ Coach, Sadie Blasucci

Unleash Your Inner Creative with Lauren LoGrasso show

Summary: <p><strong>On The Guest: </strong>Sadie Blasucci is a former Mormon and Faith Transition Coach that helps people acclimate after leaving the church. She’s also the co-host of Missionary Podcast and co-author of a Faith Crisis Guided Journal titled <em>My Authentic Faith</em>. Her focus is to teach people to find faith, trust, and happiness within themselves.</p> <p><strong>From this conversation you’ll learn:</strong></p> <ul> <li>The origin of Mormonism</li> <li>Mormon lifestyles and values</li> <li>The process of unlearning childhood traumas</li> <li>The importance of finding your own path</li> <li>How to find happiness outside of your spiritual community and take responsibility for it</li> <li>How habit swapping can help in transitional phases</li> <li>Mormon beliefs of the afterlife</li> <li>The purpose of secrecy in Mormonism</li> <li>A deep dive into identity and religion</li> <li>How to tackle existential dread</li> <li>The difference between organized religion and finding your own spirituality</li> <li>Spiritual experiences through drug assisted therapy</li> <li>Spiritual grieving</li> <li>The idea of worthiness in Mormonism</li> <li>The importance of acknowledging your shadow self</li> <li>Tools for faith transitioning</li> <li>How to build self-trust on a daily basis</li> <li>And so much more!</li> </ul> <p>Faith Transition Coaching Services <a href="https://sadielane.podia.com/"><u><strong>https://sadielane.podia.com/</strong></u></a></p> <p>Faith Crisis Guided Journal <a href="https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B09MBCJ58Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T6WP6AHG04NM6VSNHPEQ"><u><strong>My Authentic Faith</strong></u></a></p> <p>Follow the show <a href="https://www.instagram.com/unleashyourinnercreative/?hl=en"><u><strong>@unleashyourinnercreative</strong></u></a></p> <p>Follow me <a href="https://www.instagram.com/laurenlograsso/?hl=en"><u><strong>@LaurenLoGrasso</strong></u></a></p> <p>Download my new single: <a href="http://ffm.to/prettylittleboy"><u><strong>ffm.to/prettylittleboy</strong></u></a></p> --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/unleashyourinnercreative/message