S4E12 | Similarities of contemporary Russian and WWII German propaganda | Team Q&A with Erin & Audra

Hier & There. The podcast of the Germanic-American Institute (GAI Podcast) show

Summary: <p>In this episode, we are tabling "This fortnight in history", summarizing the similarities of contemporary Russian and WWII German propaganda.</p> <p>The leading article for this episode came from the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/02/24/hitler-czechoslovakia-sudeten-putin-ukraine/</p> <p>Fact-checking links: </p> <p>https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/02/23/fact-checking-putins-speech-ukraine/</p> <p>https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-do-vladimir-putins-justifications-for-going-to-war-against-ukraine-add-up/a-60917168</p> <p><strong>-------------------</strong></p> <p>In part 2 of this episode, we are "interviewing each other" through a round of Q&amp;A. You'll get some personal stories and tips, tricks, and suggestions for places to visit and foods to enjoy. </p> <p>---</p>