Casey, Crime Photographer – The Bad Little Babe. ep330, 500302

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: As Casey tries to relax with a mystery novel, he recieves a disturbing phone call warning of a murder. Is it just a prank? Casey plays it safe and alerts the cops. Will he actually need the level of police protection that the cops lavish on him? The roaring machine gun fire provides the answer to that. In the Blue Note Casey, Ethylbert, and Ann all discuss the attempt to mow Casey down. <br> Who was the dame who tipped Casey off? What was her motive? Has her good deed cost her life? It’s not difficult to trace the connections to a gangster who has it out for Casey. <br> In the Blue Note Ethylbert and Ann help Casey decide what his next steps will be to get the goods on Kirby, the gangster who is trying to kill him. A hot tip pulls him away, but is Casey rushing right into an ambush? Why is one of Kirby’s henchmen lending a hand to help ?Casey? Backstabbers, traitors, reversals, jealousy, and intrigue. Who’s on who’s side here? The twisting plot keeps you wondering all the way to the end. <br> Don’t worry, Casey survives to visit the Blue Note once more, and he explains it all to Ann and Ethylbert. <br>