Amos and Andy – Last Double Feature. Christmas Show, and Finding Madam Queen. (Retro Plus).

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: <a href="">Amos and Andy – Trying To Find Madame Queen. 440303. (Retro Plus). </a>The last omf y double features. Amos and Andy will go off the podcast, but I’ll bring them back later in the upcoming year. <br> First show: The Christmas Show. (The Lords Prayer). 12-24-1941. Andy visits Amos in his apartment. He has gifts for the whole family. Ruby is visiting her mom while the baby sleeps, and the older sister gets ready for bed. Andy and Amos trade their Christmas greetings and sentiments, but Amos stays with his kids as Andy goes on to visit more friends. <br> To tuck in his girl, Amos tells her the Lords Prayer, and explains its meaning. Later he leaves the radio on for her to fall asleep, and a rendition of Silent Night sings her to sleep. <br> Afterward, the announcer offers Christmas greetings from the staff of the show to the listeners. <br> Second show: Trying To Find Madame Queen. 03-03-1944. Andy talks to Amos to say that he needs to find Madam Queen, a past love who he hasn’t seen for several years. Andy tells how his love affair dissolved when he was to invest money in some stock, but the company went bust. After reorganization, the company is now doing well, and Andy stands to make some big bucks. He needs to get Madam Queen to sign papers though because she cosigned the original documents. <br> Gabby is going to help Andy find a loophole to avoid having to find her, or have her sign. Meanwhile, at the lodge hall Kingfish finds out about the money Andy has coming to him. He sets out to find how he can get a part of it. <br> Musical interlude. Ray Scot and his orchestra play, My Heart Tells Me. <br> Andy reads responces to a newspaper ad that he ran to Amos. Kingfish stops in, and both he and Andy try to butter each other up so they can borrow a few dollars from the other. They’re both on their own, and the race is on to get to Madam Queen first. <br> There’s a little fast talk with the woman at the house when Kingfish gets there first. Andy is right on his heals and after some interesting moments and comments, Kingfish is found out. <br> As it turns out, the woman doesn’t have as much help as they first expected. <br>